Sunday, April 25, 2010

Open the Gate

"The World is all Gates, all Opportunities, Strings of Tension waiting to be Struck"
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Opportunity sometimes seems to knock more frequently on some people's doors, while others struggle, wondering when they'll get their big break. If we look closer, we see that lucky individuals share some common traits. They expect to find opportunity around every corner. They can view any new situation, even a difficult one, as an opportunity.

The world is brimming with possibility. What if we were to enter each day and moment with an attitude of childlike curiosity? Look, here is another gate, a transition from one space to another. We reach out and lift the latch, we hear the creaking of the hinges as the gate swings open, then, instead of staying where it's safe and familiar, we step through.

I want you to say, I want you to believe, and I want you to resolve to open a new gate in your life and take a peak and see what's on the other side.

I want you to do this with me. I believe what is on the other side holds great rewards for us. I believe that there are enough rewards to share with every General Manager, Manager and Team Member, if you are willing to open the gate, walk through it and do the very best job you can do, with the very best attitude at all times. We will all win and win big.

Follow the steps as they are outlined in my book, post comments about the successes, trails and setbacks and we will all learn and grow together.

I look forward to reading your post "feedback & learnings" and next Sunday we will take the next step for the following week.

Thank you,

Steve Malaga

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Building Team Members Self-Esteem

Topic for this week's blog February 7, 2010

Building Team Members Self-Esteem

The ability to identify a potential diamond in the rough --a team member who has the ability to take on more responsibility and lead others-- is essential in the encouragement process. It is vital to have a leader who can see talent in an individual, communicate the positives, and enable the team member to realize his or her own potential. In order to do this, the leader needs to take the time to get to know what each individual team members goals and passions are.

Just being available and attentive is a great way to use listening skills as a management tool. I have personally witnessed team members come in, talk for 15 minutes, and leave having solved their own problem entirely by themselves. When this happens, they often come away with great admiration and appreciation for their leader.

Effective leaders understand what motivates their team members to feel like:

1) There is mutual respect and trust

2) There is open two-way communication

3) That their opinions are respected and considered

4) That their ideas are recognized and rewarded

5) Specific goals and clear direction is provided

6) Leaders care and are available when support is needed

7) They are connected with and belong to a community with common goals and concerns

Effective managers realize the effort and contribution of their team members. They know that each and every team member wants to feel important and that they count to the team's overall success.

When encouragement is a daily part of supervision, less time is needed pointing out mistakes and team members imperfections. Mistakes are recognized and discussed, but what is learned from the experience is what's important and emphasized. It's a learning experience for the team members.

Please share your thoughts, ideas and comments; everyone can benefit from them.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"No, I can't do that" mindset (from a team member)

Topic for this week's blog January 29, 2010

The "No, I can't do that" mindset coming from employees

I've always tried to turn problem situations into opportunities and sometimes use creative alternatives. My wife Cammie and I were out for the evening and when heading home we decided to stop and get some ice cream at a fast food restaurant near our home. I wanted to get a cup of ice to pour into my warm Diet Coke in the car. As we approached the counter, I asked if I could get a cup of ice and the girl behind the counter replied “Sorry, I can't do that.” I smiled and kindly but firmly replied, “Yes, I am sure you can. She gave in and proceeded to get me a cup of ice. No doubt she had a “no, I can't” mind-set that needed to be reprogrammed.
It started me thinking about all of the times I've run across a team member who was trained or deduced to a “no, I can’t do that” mindset from their manager, boss, or leader. You know, the kind of leader they work for who at some point had instructed them that they were to say “no, we can't” to certain requests.
I believe that many team members, after being armed with this new direction, enjoy telling the guest “no, we can't do that”, and as a result the guest feels uncomfortable and quite possibly will NEVER return.
1) Have you seen this? 2) Do you feel the same way that I do about this problem? 3) Let's discuss some leadership techniques to accomplish the same goal, but with a positive outcome.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Welcome to my blog. This blog is designed to have open discussion on topics related to the restaurant industry. I will present a new topic each week, so please join in and add your valuable questions, comments and/or feedback. The book cover that you see is my first book entitled "How to open and operate a profitable restaurant" and can be purchased at Whether you are new to the restaurant industry, a seasoned restaurant leader or if you're planning to open a new restaurant, this book can literally save you thousands of dollars and is a must read.

Friday, January 8, 2010